Navigating texting styles


So, I have started seeing a guy, we aren’t exclusive or at least we haven’t had ‘the talk’ yet. It occurred to me recently, after spending a lovely weekend with him and those lustful feelings were in overdrive, that I wanted to be exclusive with him.
I wanted to have that conversation with him as soon as possible. So naturally I turned to my bestie and bombarded her with the feelings I had about him and she agreed that maybe, that talk needed to happen – but advised me to leave it for the next date.
Face to face is much better for these sorts of conversations. A few days had passed after our lovely weekend together and I was feeling a little left out in the cold.
You see, this guy that I am seeing is not the type of guy that I have dated in the past. He isn’t big on texting and that drives me into a crazy thought process. I start thinking, maybe he isn’t as into me as what I think? Maybe this is all in my head?
In person he is wonderful and we get along great, we really seem to click and I am really enjoying his company.
This little ‘texting issue’ started to affect my mood and started to change the way I felt about him but then I see him again and we are all good. So I know then that its just my mind not playing on my team.


When you date someone or start seeing a new person, you really have to get to know their style of things, one of those things includes their texting style. I am a big fan of texting. I am that friend that sends random texts that leave you thinking wtf is she on? And I will blow up my friends phones (selected friends), because I know that I can and it’s not weird to me.
But we all have that one friend that wont reply to us for days on end and it can really leave you thinking, ‘am I the only one putting in the effort here?’ or ‘am I being annoying?’
Just like tying our shoe laces we all have a texting style.
Some people just aren’t on their phones very much, and some people actually prefer face to face talk and I love those people. But would it kill them to reply back within at least a 48 hour time-frame?
I mean come on people, you are driving my Virgo mind insane, I am all about efficiency.

Being the boss bitch I am, whilst on my most recent date with this boy, I decided to suss out what was up with his texting.  I asked him, ‘Dude, what’s with the texting or lack of it?’ And he was surprised…. he had no idea that it was an issue for me.
I told him, when I don’t hear from him that much during the week, even a simple text like, ‘How was your day?’ still makes me feel like hes not that into me.
I mean, I am not asking for much, I am a low fuss kind of girl. But a little conversation that I don’t have to initiate would be amazing!!
I was feeling like I was being that annoying girl messaging him, and he wouldn’t reply straight away even though he saw my messages……the fool has his read receipts on! Big mistake……….HUGE.

IMG_9485 - CopyI guess where I am going with this, is that if you have a relationship/friendship or are dating someone and you aren’t the same texting style and have been feeling in a similar way to me then you need to speak up.
It may be that the person isn’t into you and you are wasting your time texting them and
getting nothing or very little back. We don’t want to be wasting time on people who
don’t see how amazing we are because there are plenty of people out there who do!
Or it could be that you are dealing with a non-texter but your chemistry is great in person – and those people are truly an untapped market.
Communication is key and talking about these issues is crucial, even if it is as simple as asking, ‘Whats with your texting style?’ because you can save yourself a lot of crazy thought process time, if you just balls up and say, ‘What’s the go?’

Had I just gone, ‘this guy isn’t texting me like I want, I’m going to cut him out of my life…’ then I would be missing out on spending time with this beautiful onion who reveals a different layer every time I see him.

Did I have the exclusive conversation with him? I know you are all wondering…
I decided to see how the next few weeks go, because I am in no rush and I want to make sure that I am truly happy with what I am seeing and the actions that he is displaying before I commit to being exclusive. In the mean time I am happy just talking to him and seeing only him……but I am keeping that between you and I ……because I am a mystery girl after all.

G.S xx

2 thoughts on “Navigating texting styles”

  1. LOLOL! What talent you possess!!! When I first began dating my husband of 26 years, we had no such things as cell phones. I would replay what he said the last time I saw him, over and over again in my head. Crazy love! It was exhausting. 🙂

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